John Cage – Eberhard Blum / Marianne Schroeder / Robyn Schulkowsky / Frances-Marie Uitti / Nils Vigeland: 45′ / 34’46.776″ / 31’57.9864″ / 27’10.554″ / 26’1.1499″ / 4’33” / Music For Five / Two

CD | 20,00 

Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)

Sleeve Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)

Label: hat ART

Released: 1991

Varasto loppu

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 2964724507 Osastot: ,

EX disc. Pickup possible at Digelius Music in Helsinki (by selecting the “local pickup” shipping option).

These recordings, – with the exception of 4’33” (No.2), which was realized at the Studio Pfister, Berikon, Switzerland – were made from 23-25 July 1990 at the Sporthalle am Böllenfalltor, Darmstadt, where the Hessischer Rundfunk produced a Gastkonzert of works by and with John Cage during his residency at the “Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik”.

On track 1.01 “45′ ” was recorded seperately, on 2.01 all compositions are performed simultaneously.

Includes a poster with score notes and pictures.

Co-Production: Hessischer Rundfunk /Hat Hut Records Ltd., Therwil.
The catalog numbers on the discs are “hat ART CD 2-60701” and “hat ART CD 2-60702″

45′ For A Speaker (1954)
34’46.776″ For A Pianist (1954)
31’57.9864″ For A Pianist (1954)
27’10.554″ For A Percussionist (1956)
26’1.1499″ For A String Player (1955)
4’33” No. 2 (0’00”) (1962)
Two (1987)
Music For_______ (Music For Five) (1984-87)

Paino 170 g (gramma)





Very Good Plus (VG+)
