We Jazz Magazine, Issue 02: Pursuance (Fall 2021)

Book / Magazine | 20,00 

128 pages
174 x 250 mm
140g Edixion paper
300g Invercote covers



This is the second issue of the new We Jazz Magazine, 128 pages 174 x 250 mm in size and printed on 140g Edixion paper with 300g Invercote covers. All articles presented IN ENGLISH. Includes inspiring stories on music including John Coltrane by Ashley Kahn, Irreversible Entanglements by Daniel Spicer, Marshall Allen by Francis Gooding, Linda Fredriksson by Arttu Tolonen, Alan Silva by David Mittleman, French Caribbean Music by Markus Karlqvist, Pablo Held by HT Nuotio, record reviews, book reviews, plus more. This is a magazine put together by a quality cast of writers and illustrators/photographers with references such as The Wire, The Quietus, Pitchfork, Jazzwise, etc.

Paino 400 g (gramma)

Book / Magazine